среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

engine block drain plug

I have a bad habit.�It sneaks up on me without warning. One minute Iapos;m looking up Taylor Swift - really, I had no idea who she was until about an hour ago - or searching for sweaters - "sweatshirts" if you want to be picky, I�just hate that word - and then BAM. All of a sudden... Iapos;m on youtube. Watching "emo boys" kiss.

I have no idea why I end up doing this. Or, even worse, why I find it incredibly attractive. But whatever the reason, it is rather a distressing habit, especially because it creeps up on me, and I�donapos;t fully comprehend until an hour later as Iapos;m STILL watching them.

Shame. SHAME.
engine block drain plug, engine block drain plugs, engine block filler.

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